Friday, May 10, 2013

Double Standards (Yes they exist)

I have heard many females, on twitter and in real life, voice their disdain for the presence of double standards in today’s society.  Women often declare that the double standard is unfair to the modern woman, and fosters sexist sediment. The greatest example of why women have such an issue with prevalent double standards is the “Promiscuity Standard” which is the famous double standard that states that men who have a lot of sexual partners are viewed as “The Man” while women who have a lot of sexual partners are viewed in a very negative light.

As unfair as some of these double standards appear to be, I believe that they are only frowned upon because of the negative way many of us interpret them. Personally, I believe that a lot of these double standards stem from good-natured ideas, and are pure in intention.


The fore mentioned promiscuity standard, for example, on the surface seems to be designed to be desirable for men, and deplorable for women. It looks as if we are just being unfair to women, and denying them the opportunity to do what they want without societal judgment. If looked at in a more positive light, however, can be viewed as women being held to a higher standard, rather than a double standard. Instead of us thinking that this double standard is defying women, it should be seen as us glorifying women. In my opinion, the promiscuity standard stems from society expecting the most of women, and not wanting them to stoop beneath the pedestal that we have put them on.


There are also double standards that are detrimental to men in society. One of the most prevalent ones being what I call the “Emotion Standard.” The emotion standard refers to the double standard that allows women to be open with their feelings and publically emotional with acceptance. A woman is allowed to be as influenced by her emotions as she can, whereas a man who is openly emotional is viewed as “soft” or feminine in a derogatory sense. 
I believe that this standard, just like the promiscuity standard relative to women, stems from a men being held to a higher standard, as opposed to a double standard. Society needs strong male figures to lead society in all aspects. Whether it is on the home front or the frontlines, society looks towards strong males to be dependable and accountable. Society expects and demands that males be strong and stolid for the betterment of the society.  This standard is not necessarily ridiculing males who show emotion as much as it is glorifying the strength of men who do not show it.


At the end of the day, your people are going to judge your actions and beliefs no matter what you do or what standards you agree or disagree with. Double standards are the product of societal expectations & public interpretation so you can take from them whatever you choose to. If you are confident in your actions and firm in your beliefs, the negative connotations from double standards will not faze you in the slightest.

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